Welcome to Life Tribe

Empowering the Church to speak life, hope and healing.

Newly Released Book

Do you find yourself living with broken or strained relationships – with God and with others? Do you have regrets from past mistakes and wonder if God will forgive you? Or perhaps, you struggle with memories of hurts others have caused you. Maybe you have tried over and over to forgive yourself. In the newly released book, All Things New, you can walk in new life and freedom through the power of forgiveness.
Get your copy today!

Strategy for Creating a Culture of Life

With 40% of women and 50% of men attending church at least once a month at the time they chose abortion, the church has been strategically placed to make abortion unthinkable and instead offer life-giving support to those in an unplanned pregnancy as well as bring hope and redemption for those struggling from a past abortion.


Informational Articles

Keeping Your Ministry Visible

Having a life-affirming ministry in your church is a remarkable asset. However, one of the most disheartening realities is that such ministries often remain unnoticed by those who need them …

Time of Prayer

One of the most powerful things a life-affirming ministry can do is meet for prayer. It is by far the most impactful step you can take. As we have mentioned …