
Same Journey

Whether we verbalize it or not, our minds and hearts often judge the sins of others and easily compare our journey to theirs. In our hearts we create categories of egregious sins, average sins and minor sins. Based upon our personal experiences and tolerability (rather than Scripture), we put others in our self-made categories.

When it comes to abortion, there are a plethora of opinions and often they are verbalized. Countless times when messages are given on abortion, you will hear the phrase, “I don’t understand how anyone could make that decision.” It becomes easy to put the egregious sin label on the one who has experienced abortion. However… and this is a big a however, we are all at the same level. No one is better or worse than the other for Scripture says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) When we compare ourselves to a Holy God, none of us are righteous.

Statements like “I don’t understand how anyone could choose abortion,” only furthers the silence, guilt and shame of those who have made the decision for abortion. It does nothing to bring them closer to God, the Church body and reconciliation. It sadly and incorrectly messages that the person making the comment is far superior and more loved and accepted by God and the one who has chosen abortion is far less.

In reality the root of abortion is inside all of us. We choose to not trust God. We choose to do things our own way rather than God’s and we believe we know better than Him for our current situation. The same root of why people choose abortion is the same root that leads to each one of us making decisions apart from God’s standards. Yet, there is often the judgmental label slapped on a sin that is different than our own.

However, we are all on the same journey. We are all in desperate need of a Savior and we would do the world a favor by remembering that without God, we are all destined to an eternity of darkness. Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Let us be cautious with what comes from our lips. Do our words speak grace, mercy and life or do they speak judgment, condemnation and death? Our words can be one of the greatest contributing factors whether someone around you who has experienced an abortion will seek healing and wholeness from God or completely run the other direction believing there is no hope.

May our words be that bridge for life and freedom in Christ.


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