
Speaking Life in Every Message

Speaking an entire message on abortion can be a powerful way to bring to light God’s love and purpose for each preborn baby as well as God’s grace, mercy and hope for each person who has chosen abortion in their past.

Yet, speaking a message once a year on the subject can leave a gigantic gap the rest of the year. There are many ways to weave in God’s heart for the preborn and His heart for healing into your weekly messages.

Here are just a few examples.

Messages on Forgiveness: Many times in sermons we talk about the forgiveness of God. These are the perfect opportunities to mention how God wants individuals to come to Him for forgiveness from their past abortion. He is not angry and vindictive towards them. He longs to forgive, restore and redeem, ushering them into the life He created them to live. Mentioning forgiveness from abortion is helpful because our silence has led to individuals believing that it’s the unforgivable sin. However, thoughtful care needs to be taken to also not make it seem like abortion is the most egregious of sins. In God’s eyes, all sin leads to death. The spiritual consequence for the sin of abortion is the same as the sin of gossip, unfaithfulness, selfishness and more. All need repentance and all are covered by the cross.

Messages on Purpose: When we bring Scriptural reference to the purposes God has for each of our lives, you can easily weave in the fact that God even has purposes for the preborn baby. It doesn’t matter the human circumstances surrounding their conception, each human is intricately and purposefully created by God. Some verses that compliment this are: Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 49:1-5, Psalm 22:10, Luke 1:15, Luke 2:21, Judges 13:5, Galatians 1:15 and Psalm 139:13.

Messages on Trusting and Obeying God: Many choose abortion because they don’t trust in God’s standards and they choose to take matters in their own hands. When sermons are spoken on trusting and obeying God, it would be powerful to have a testimony of someone who was fearful of an unplanned pregnancy, yet chose life. Their testimony would powerfully demonstrate God’s faithfulness in carrying them through difficult times as they chose to trust and obey His standards.

Marriage and Family: Sermons on the God-ordained institution of marriage and family brings opportunities to speak of the value and blessings that children are. It also messages God’s plan for the sanctity of marriage and the beauty and freedom that Godly marriage offers.

Of course, there are many more ideas about weaving in the message of valuing all life – at every stage of development. Truly, in every message, there is an opportunity to speak God’s heart for the intrinsic value He places on every life and you are that messenger of hope! May God bless you as you speak life, hope and healing in your churches!


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