Ministry Ideas

Power of a Prayer Walk

Everyday across the country, life-affirming pregnancy centers open their doors and work with women who are facing an unwanted pregnancy. They are deep in the trenches and fighting every single day.

Pregnancy Centers covet your prayers. Perhaps you could consider actively partnering with your local center in prayer. You can search for your local pregnancy center by checking HERE. One powerful approach would be to have one or two individuals from your church schedule a time before they open and do a prayer walk through the center and over the pregnancy center team. Prayer is the most powerful support we can offer them.

Here are just a few things to remember in prayer …

  • Pray to have hearts of compassion for those being ministered to.
  • Pray against the fear mothers and fathers may be feeling at the overwhelming thought
    of being pregnant.
  • Pray against the lies from the enemy to those being ministered to and that God’s truth
    that brings freedom will be revealed.
  • Pray that the lives of the unborn will be saved and their parents will receive support.
  • Pray for healing and redemption for those who have been impacted by abortion.
  • Pray for our country to welcome and protect the most vulnerable of all – the preborn.
  • Pray that our words would speak life and not condemnation.
  • Pray for the family members and friends who have influence on others’ pregnancy
    decisions and for those who have been impacted by others’ abortion decisions.
  • Pray for purity in relationships and that individuals would follow God’s beautiful and
    perfect plan.
  • Pray for protection for families that they would follow God’s design.

Pray without ceasing.

1 Thessalonians 5:17

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