When we keep our secrets in silence they become their own form of trauma. Freedom comes as we dismantle our prison brick by brick. Suffering is universal. Victimization is by choice. Victimization comes from inside. We create it ourselves. We become our own jailers.
Dr. EditH Eva Eger
Many who have made a decision for abortion in their lives often carry their grief and regret in their silent prison. The enemy is tricky in this area – he convinces an individual that having a baby would destroy their life and by making a decision for abortion, they would be able to get their life back just as before. And then, once they make the decision for abortion, the enemy heaps on shame and guilt.
As time ticks by, they realize that nothing seems the same. In fact, many say there was a dividing line in their life – before their abortion and after. They have determined to keep their abortion decision a secret, often from the ones that are closest to them and love them the most. Keeping secrets only alienates individuals from others, and from God.
Their secret almost becomes godlike. Their past determines how they view their worth, the decisions they make, the relationships they choose, their purposes in life and more. People become victims in their silence.
The power comes in voicing your testimony. It tells the enemy, ourselves and the world of the greatness of God and His gift of grace and mercy … which we all need!! Revelation 12:10-11a reminds us,
“Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;'”
The enemy keeps people in silence with his accusations, shame and guilt. His power over individuals will end when they bring their past decisions to the cross and by reminding the enemy, and themselves, that they are saved and completely forgiven.
Walking in complete forgiveness from God, brings us freedom. This is the gospel message. This video below does a great job depicting the reality of the complete gospel message and the power of walking in freedom in Christ.
It’s time to walk out through the prison doors Jesus has opened for us all and into a life of freedom. We are not victims, we are not destined to a lesser life because of our past, it does not define us. By laying everything at the foot of the cross, we can walk in freedom.