Imagine, walking through the church seeing lifeless bones littered everywhere. Where we should see life, we see death – skeletons remaining of what was a vibrant church. You may wonder, what happened. And then you hear a voice, “Church Leader, can these bones live again?”
You do not know. It seems like a hopeless cause. You wonder what atrocity has happened. But then the Lord calls you to prophesy over them. What does He say?
“Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord. …. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet – a vast army.” (Ezekiel 37:4-6; 10)
Who are these dry bones in our churches? Perhaps they are of those struggling with the unhealed pain of a past abortion. With at least 25% of those in our churches having had an abortion in their past, how many have received healing? Almost half of all abortions in our country, are from those attending church at least once a month. We are funding almost half of all abortions in America. Where are those people now?
The silent pain of those carrying their unhealed abortion story can at times be overwhelming to them. The church is strategically set apart to be a conduit of hope and healing.
One such organization, Save One, is on mission to bring healing from past abortions to churches across the world. In Sheila Harper’s book, Is There Not a Cause, the founder of Save One notes:
“We believe the local church can turn the tide of choice by simply speaking the truth of Jesus’ love, healing, forgiveness and mercy to those who are suffering in silence after abortion. Once these men and women are set free from the bondage abortion brings, they will be the greatest witnesses against this gruesome, horrific battle.”
It is no longer optional for churches to engage in the mission of bringing healing from abortion. With 35% of Christian women who have had an abortion indicating they are currently attending church once a week or more, is there a place of healing for them? And what of the men? Is there a place of healing for them? (1)
Save One Ministry offers after abortion healing curriculum along with training for the facilitators. For more information, click HERE.
I firmly believe if you desire to stop abortion in our country, then you have to bring healing to those experiencing the pain from their past abortion. Just as in the Ezekiel passage, you will raise up a vast army of freedom fighters whose mission cannot be thwarted.
Church, this is our time, this is our moment – let’s speak hope, healing and life!
(1) https://www.care-net.org/hubfs/Downloads/Top_40_Abortion_Statistics.pdf