
Chosen, Wanted and Loved

Do we see the her? Do we see him?

As Jesus was walking in a massive crowd, a desperate woman, who had been sick for 12 years, reached out and touched the hem of his garment in hopes of a miraculous healing. Perhaps feeling unworthy to even approach Him, she was desperate for any part of Him. As she touched the hem of His garment, Jesus stopped everything to find her. And … He called her “Daughter!” What a term of endearment.

She was chosen, wanted and loved.

When we hear about the atrocities of abortion, we can easily focus mostly on the baby. The woman and the man involved in this decision can become the back story. Frustration and impatience may even become our default. Yet, every woman and every man has a story, a reason, and a fear driving their belief that abortion is their only option. Do we really see them? Are they a priority for us?

By adjusting our vision, we can see them as God sees them. He has chosen them, wants them, and loves them. In fact, this unplanned pregnancy may be the very thing that draws them to the depth of God’s love for them. Do we see them through Christ’s lens? Do we see God’s unconditional love for them? Do our actions match?

As mothers and fathers are to be a place of refuge and safety for their babies, the church needs to be a place of refuge and safety for them.

Every man, woman and child is an image-bearer of God and has intrinsic value. By responding to each person in light of that truth, the fearful mother and father will see how valued they are in the eyes of God, and in turn, they will begin to see the intrinsic value of their preborn baby.

Recording artist, Jenn Miller, shares a beautiful story behind her song, “Chosen, Wanted, Loved”. Please take a moment and listen to her heart, and then her song.

Let’s determine to be ambassadors of God as we reach those around us in such a way that they know they are Chosen, Wanted and Loved!


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