Ministry Ideas

Adopting Mama and Baby

Historically the Church has led the way in adoptions. It only makes sense since we have first-hand experience of the beauty of adoption as we look at our own adoption story through Christ. Second Corinthians 6:18 reminds us, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

Our adoption story is a redeeming one. It’s the beginning of a new life for each of us. It’s a restart. An opportunity to be what we were intended to be – all because Christ stepped in to save us and call us His own.

When adoption is discussed in the same venue of unplanned pregnancies, we often seek out families who have been called to adopt children to step in and be the child’s forever family. This is an amazing ministry and it blesses all parties involved.

Yet, there is another paradigm we tend to overlook.

What would happen if we opened our homes to both mama and baby instead? What if we provided a restart, a new life, an opportunity for individuals to be all that God created them to be? In reality, most women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy and contemplating abortion would choose to parent their baby if only their circumstances were different.

Many who consider abortion as their only option do so because they feel they can’t parent on their own. Perhaps it’s their living environment, finances, their job or school situation, or maybe unhealthy relationships.

What if instead of just being willing to adopt their baby, we would be willing to “adopt” both mama and baby for a season? What if we opened our homes to provide a safe place for them to live during the pregnancy and for a while afterwards? Just think of how we could show Christ’s love through the love of our own families and help her be the mom God created her to be. What if we could provide her a place of respite and encourage her growth in all areas of her life? We could help guide without judging or telling her what she “should do” and simply provide her the place and time for her to figure some things out.

What if our churches became the hub to “adopt” these mamas and babies to offer a necessary safe place and support, so life can be chosen and cherished – both mama’s and baby’s. Both are equally valued in God’s eyes.

Let’s love them both!


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