Time of Prayer

One of the most powerful things a life-affirming ministry can do is meet for prayer. It is by far the most impactful step you can take. As we have mentioned …

Abortions Worldwide

Data can often impersonalize issues and keep us from realizing the gravity of a situation. For instance, when we discuss the number of abortions that take place every day, it …

Life-Affirming Sermons

If churches do address abortion from the pulpit, it is often through one message dedicated solely to this. This can be powerful. However, it is also extremely effective to integrate …

When Most Abortions Occur

Often, when those who consider themselves pro-life speak of the atrocities of abortion, their focus can be on late-term abortions. We speak of the age of viability (around 24 weeks), …

Reflection and Mission

In June of 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization court case, effectively overturned the previous 1973 Roe vs. Wade court decision that had …