
Church’s Subliminal Message About Abortion

I’ll never forget walking into a church one Saturday morning as a guest speaker for a women’s brunch. The leadership asked if I would come and speak about the issue of abortion, so while I was grateful for the opportunity, I was grieved as I walked through the door. There up at the front by the food table and close to where I was to speak was a sign that read, “Abortion is Murder.”

While the statement is true, my heart sank because I wondered how many women who had experienced an abortion in their past walked in and either turned and walked out or silently put on their game face hoping no one would know that had been their story. That one sign was enough to silence those who were suffering with a past abortion experience.

How are we messaging the issue of abortion in our church? We recall how Jesus dealt with those caught in sin (which is every single one of us.) The woman caught in an adulterous relationship who was thrust before Jesus is a beautiful picture of how Jesus deals with us all. Her accusers stood before her, with no concern for her heart or soul, condemned her for all to see in hypocritical fashion. Where was the love that would draw one to repentance? They didn’t care about her. Yet, Jesus did – and that changed everything for the woman.

Yes, adultery was a sin; the Pharisees could argue the law. Yet, Jesus’ response was perfect, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” (John 8:7) And one by one, starting with the oldest, they walked away.

What would it be like if every Sunday we walked into church and had our sins plastered on a screen with a spirit of condemnation instead of redemption? We can be quick to condemn the sin of someone else yet dismiss our own.

What messages are those who have made an abortion decision hearing from the pulpit? Are they hearing condemnation, anger, hatred, disgust, unforgivable and more? Or, are they hearing forgiveness, healing, wholeness and redemption?

Most individuals know abortion is wrong. Most Christians who choose abortion realize they have disobeyed God. And, most Christians feel they have committed the unforgiveable sin and this belief is only reinforced by our silence or by condemning messages.

It’s not watering down the truth; it’s speaking the truth IN love. Are we approaching the abortion issue the same as the Pharisees – not concerned about the person that has experienced it but only concerned with “taking a stand?” We will save far more preborn babies’ lives, and women and men will receive healing from a past abortion, if our messaging is that of grace, mercy, truth and love.


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