Ministry Ideas

Embrace Grace – Ministry to Single Moms

It’s one thing to be “pro-life” and it’s another thing to offer your love and support to someone experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Embrace Grace, an organization who equips churches to journey through life with single moms, calls this a “pro-love” church.

The term pro-love is the epitome of the nature of Christ. The greatest definition of love is Christ Himself. He saw the needs of people, both their earthly needs and their eternal needs, and met them right where they were at offering them a better way, a more abundant way to live (John 10:10).

Women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy often feel alone and an outcast, especially in the church. They feel as if they will be judged, looked down upon and often feel like they don’t fit in anywhere. This should be the last thing anyone feels from a church. Jesus came to restore us to Himself and He pursues us at all cost.

The Church is His hands and feet to the world and we have the privilege of supporting individuals who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy. It is often the love, acceptance and support given by a church that determines whether someone makes a life-affirming decision and deepens their walk with God or the alternative – someone choosing abortion and walking away from God and the church completely.

With 40% of women and 50% of men being in church at least once a month during the time they chose abortion, we can be proactive in messaging that we are here to love and care for them no matter what. The ministries we offer, how we message, and how we care can truly make a life or death difference.

Embrace Grace is a ministry that exists to empower churches to walk alongside single moms to meet their unique needs. It’s founder has walked in the same shoes as many who come through our church doors struggling with an unplanned pregnancy. Through implementing their ministry strategy you will see individuals find a place of belonging within your church thereby deepening their faith in God as you invest in the spiritual life of a young family.

To see more of Embrace Grace’s story, watch their video.

You can visit their website for more information by visiting or clicking HERE.

Embrace Grace says it best, “Being pro-life is a stance, but being pro-love is an action.” May your church continue to be pro-love.


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