The emotional effects following an abortion are often far more prevalent and long-lasting than physical complications. Many individuals experience regret, shame, guilt, depression and anxiety. Almost 50% say they have lacked the desire to live at some point following their abortion decision.
The emotional trauma resulting from abortion affects many areas of an individual’s life. It has been shown to lead to alcohol and drug abuse, suicide, and divorce. Approximately 67% of women visited a mental health professional after their first abortion, and 51% began using prescription drugs for psychological health. Read the study HERE.
Cultural norms message the loving thing to do is to support whatever choice a woman makes. Yet, with the rise of mental health crises following abortions, is supporting a woman’s choice for abortion the best way to love her? The best way to care for her?
It’s easy to look at the symptoms of one’s behavior and try to “fix” them. Rarely do we go deep enough to find the root of the trauma. There are many in our churches having relational and emotional problems because of a past abortion. Yet, do we miss seeing the root cause of their broken relationships or emotional struggles being the abortion? We may be leaving people broken, wounded and devoid of healing.
The Lord cares deeply for the heart and soul of His creation. His standards are in place to offer abundant life to all, and walking contrary to His standards brings hurt and pain. Because of His great love, He has provided a pathway of restoration and redemption.
Churches that have established life-affirming ministries are on the front lines to help those in their community avoid the pain of abortion and offer a safe place for those who have experienced abortion to find God’s healing and wholeness.