Post-Abortion Healing

How Post-abortion Healing Brings Revival

Many churches hesitate to promote an after-abortion healing ministry. Some may have no idea how to address such a topic, others don’t believe there are those in their church who have experienced an abortion and still some don’t see it as a priority.

With 35% of Christian women who have had an abortion attending church once a week or more*, the need for post-abortion healing in our churches is unquestionable. It’s heartbreaking that there are those sitting in the pews of our churches without anyone helping them move forward. The question that lingers is what about the other 65% of Christian women as well. Where are they? Was the church too silent? Was there no hope and healing offered?

There are definitely challenges to having a post-abortion ministry at your church. It’s usually not something in which you can have a sign-up table in the back or just add it as another Wednesday night Bible study. There does need to be an element of privacy for those who need healing. We do need to be sensitive as to how we message an opportunity for healing support as well as the particulars of how this is played out.

However, we should not walk in fear of the unknown. Healing is what the Father does best. An after-abortion healing ministry will only grow your church, not inhibit. With around 25% of the people in our congregations having an abortion in their past, it is an amazing opportunity to bring hope and healing.

Your messages of grace and truth reveal that God is fully capable to heal and restore. Healing will bring revival to your church. Someone who has walked in shame and condemnation from the enemy and who now walks in healing and restoration is a person whose testimony will draw all people to God. Restored people restore others.

There are several ways to bring an after-abortion healing ministry to your church.

  • Your messages. One can easily weave messages of healing and redemption for a past abortion into a general message on the subjects of healing, redemption, forgiveness and more. Keep in mind that mentioning Christ’s healing for abortion does need to be verbalized. If it’s not spoken, many will think they have committed the unforgiveable sin.
  • Have a strong referral connection with your local pregnancy center. Most centers have someone to facilitate a Biblical healing study for those struggling with their past abortion. Make sure your congregation is aware of this connection and that they know how to access this support. To find your nearest pregnancy center, click HERE.
  • Offer an after-abortion Bible study at your church. There are several options for studies you can use as well as training to implement these studies. To view some of the curriculum, click HERE.

The Lord wants to bring healing to those who have had an abortion and the Church is His chosen instrument. Jeremiah 30:17a declares, “’But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD.” Let’s be the Lord’s instrument of healing and restoration.



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