
In Our City

“Abortion in America has claimed nine times the number of lives lost in the Jewish Holocaust. We abort more children every day than all the victims who perished on 9/11. Abortion’s links to drug and alcohol abuse, depression, suicide, divorce, emotional and physical maladies, and relational destruction are incontrovertible.” (1)

When we see the numbers and the look at the devastation that abortion brings, the solution can seem overwhelming. We can become paralyzed or throw up our hands and think our efforts are in vain.

In the days of Nehemiah, the prospect of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem seemed insurmountable. Yet it began and finished by individuals doing their part. The power lies in everyone doing the work that is in front of them.

Strategizing to stop abortion in our country may seem a daunting task. Yet, what if we could break it down in tangible ways. Brian Fisher exhorts, “If a Church truly cares about its community, family and neighborhood, it must lead the effort to end abortion in its city.” (1)

What if instead of focusing our efforts on stopping abortion in our country, we focus on our city?

Imagine if you will…

  • Churches making concerted efforts in their city to make abortion unthinkable.
  • Churches exhibiting the heart of the Heavenly Father for those in an unplanned pregnancy.
  • Churches encouraging, resourcing and supporting those facing obstacles to parenting.
  • Churches offering post-abortion healing Bible studies.

Over simplistic you might think? Perhaps … but perhaps not. The power of focusing on what is before you and doing the next right thing is unmatchable.

Will there be resistance? Absolutely! Will it be worth it? 100%

Even in the midst of the Israelites rebuilding the wall during their greatest resistance and weariness, Nehemiah exhorted them, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” (Nehemiah 4:14)

What is at stake and what will happen if we don’t engage? Since 40% of women and 50% of men were in church at least once a month or more during the time they chose abortion, it is the role of the Church to secure its walls. Abortion is in the midst of us. And, it will take each member to do its part to shore up the gaps in the protective walls of our churches and our community.

If we don’t, the lives and souls of our sons, daughters, wives and husbands are at stake.

Legislation comes and goes and yes, it does have consequences – good or bad depending on what it is. However, if we focus on creating a culture of life in our communities and offering tangible support and resources, we can make abortion unthinkable and undesirable in our city.

We are here to help you achieve just that. A great place to start is to read the free eBook, Life Tribe: Creating a Culture for Life found HERE and then take the next step by downloading the Ministry Manual HERE.

We would love to come alongside your church as you develop a life-affirming ministry. We are here as a support for you and would love to hear from you.

And when we have fought the good fight and finished the race, may it be said of the church …

“When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.” (Nehemiah 6:16)

(1) Deliver Us From Abortion, Brian Fisher, pg. 176.


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