
Keeping Your Ministry Visible

Having a life-affirming ministry in your church is a remarkable asset. However, one of the most disheartening realities is that such ministries often remain unnoticed by those who need them the most. Your team could have devoted countless hours to training and preparation, compiled a comprehensive list of resources, and be fully prepared to support others in their life journey. Yet, if people aren’t aware of your presence, all these efforts would be in vain.

It’s essential for individuals to know about your life-affirming ministry and how they can connect. Regular and consistent messaging is greatly beneficial.

Here are just a few ideas to keep your life-affirming ministry in the forefront of people’s minds.

  • Have your church hold a completion ceremony for those who have completed your life-affirming ministry’s training. It is a powerful way to let the church know of the ministry and who your team is.
  • Consistently message through announcement slides or in the bulletin. On our website, we have created examples of messaging slides, flyers, and vocabulary for you to use. Please click HERE to download and customize for your purposes.
  • Have flyers available at the information table for your life-affirming ministry and your local pregnancy resource center.
  • Have information available in the bathrooms and on the back of bathroom stall doors.
  • Ensure that all other ministry leaders, including all support staff, are aware of your ministry’s services and resources so they can refer those who need your assistance to you.
  • Make connections in sermons about how the life-affirming ministry is available to serve.
  • Have individuals share their testimony in the church service either about their personal experience with an unplanned pregnancy or a post-abortion healing testimony. This time can be concluded with information regarding your life-affirming ministry.
  • Share information about your after-abortion healing group or information for an outside organization that is available to help with after-abortion healing.
  • Share about any upcoming ministry events you are offering. For ideas on how your team can minister, check out our Ministry Idea posts HERE.

There are endless ways to let people know you are available to serve. The key is to consistently communicate who you are and what you do while keeping in mind that your target audience is those who are considering abortion. Your messaging should always be filled with love, nonjudgmental, without an agenda, and create a door for open communication.


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