
Life-Affirming Sermons

If churches do address abortion from the pulpit, it is often through one message dedicated solely to this. This can be powerful. However, it is also extremely effective to integrate God’s heart on abortion into many typical Sunday morning messages. Think of various topics and Scriptures that open the door to speak of the value God places on every life and His gospel of redemption and healing.

Let’s take a look at just a few ideas.

Purposeful Creation:

  • We were created as God’s image-bearers. Genesis 1:27
  • We were created for a purpose. Psalm 139, Jeremiah 1:5


  • Anytime a message is given on forgiveness, we should include abortion. Psalm 32:5, Psalm 103:11, 12
  • The Lord redeems and restores. John 10:10


  • Man and woman were created to be fruitful and multiply. Genesis 1:28
  • In the context of relationships, trust that God’s principles are the best. Proverbs 3:5-6

These are just a few ideas. There are endless opportunities to integrate God’s heart for the value of every human being into our sermons and to encourage each person to make every decision according to God’s Word. As sermons are prepared, let’s take the opportunity to weave God’s heart on abortion, hope, and healing into each message. The more congregations hear a consistent message, the better chance they will make decisions that honor God amid their crisis.


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