
Life of the Mother

When discussing the topic of abortion in relation to the health of the mother, supporters of abortion and even sometimes opponents, believe that it is the only viable solution in such cases. However, it is important to examine the underlying reasons for this narrative and consider the true impact of abortion on the mother’s life. Only then can we arrive at a truthful understanding of the situation.

First of all, to be an advocate for life is to advocate for all life. The goal then is to save both mother and baby. Adversely, the goal of abortion is always to produce a dead baby. Secondly, we must keep in mind that this topic is often used for political and agenda-driven tactics, and it behooves us to seek truth in this matter.

If a mother’s life truly is endangered, then abortion only further endangers it. A late-term abortion can take two to three days to perform, whereas a preterm delivery can happen under an hour and offers a chance to save the baby as well.

With a skilled and knowledgeable medical team, a mother can receive most treatments necessary to save her life, while at the same time doing everything possible to save the baby’s life.

When we look at the number of abortions performed in relation to the health of the mother, the percentages are small. Yet, it is being used to promote abortion in all cases. It’s essential to note abortion statistics are not exactly precise. In fact, it is not required for every state to report the number of abortions they perform, nor are they required to reveal the reasons why. This leaves us to obtain percentages using certain states’ reporting or surveys.

Florida is one state that reports the reason for each abortion. Since we’re focusing on the life and health of the mother, let’s look at these specific numbers. Their reporting reveals: (1)

  • 0.15% – The woman’s life was endangered by the pregnancy.
  • 1.34% – The woman’s physical health was threatened by the pregnancy.
  • 1.89% – The woman’s psychological health was threatened by the pregnancy.

While these numbers are very low, we hold fast to our belief that all lives have value, both the mother’s and the baby’s. Sadly, there are conversations happening between women and their doctors where difficult news is given as to health issues for the woman. Almost immediately, the woman is encouraged to abort without further conversation as to how both the mother and the preborn baby can be saved or given a fighting chance. They may even be made to feel foolish if they push to find alternatives to abortion to save their baby.

The circumstances surrounding abortion regarding the life of the mother are most often used to further an unhindered abortion agenda, thereby profiting off of a difficult time for a mother facing health concerns.

Some points to consider:

  • The sole intention of abortion is to produce a dead baby.
  • Physicians should attempt to save both mother and baby.
  • We should support efforts that help to save both mother and baby.
  • Only procedures that are intended to save lives should be given.
  • Medical treatment can be altered for the mother to try and save both mother and child.
  • Some doctors fear malpractice lawsuits if something happens to the baby during treatment to the mother and will, therefore, suggest abortion.
  • Premature delivery can be an option to try to save the baby.

American Association for Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), the leading medical experts on non-violent pregnancy care, offers this statement:

Abortion is the purposeful killing of the unborn in the termination of a pregnancy. AAPLOG opposes abortion. When extreme medical emergencies that threaten the life of the mother arise (chorioamnionitis or HELLP syndrome could be examples), AAPLOG believes in “treatment to save the mother’s life,” including premature delivery if that is indicated — obviously with the patient’s informed consent. This is NOT “abortion to save the mother’s life.” We are treating two patients, the mother, and the baby, and every reasonable attempt to save the baby’s life would also be a part of our medical intervention. We acknowledge that, in some such instances, the baby would be too premature to survive. (2)

There have been many times when women have been encouraged to abort due to health issues when, in fact, both the mother and the preborn baby could have been saved. One of the more familiar stories is that of Pam Tebow and her son, Tim. Listen to her testimony here.

Much care and prayer should be taken in these circumstances, and everything should be done to protect the life of both the mother and the baby. Deadly political agendas should be identified and discarded and Biblical truth should be honored.



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