Mother’s Day is coming up on Sunday, May 12th, and I know you’re probably in the middle of planning what you will do for that day. After all, Mother’s Day is the third-largest attended Sunday of the year, so I’m sure there’s a little bit of pressure to get it right.
Motherhood is amazing and is worthy to be celebrated. As you proceed with planning how you will honor moms, it behooves us to keep in mind that this day can be one of dread for others. Some women may be struggling with infertility, miscarriage or abortion from their past. Some women want to be married and have children but this desire has remained unfulfilled at the moment. Some have lost children and some have strained relationships with their children or their own mothers.
Every person has a story and it is helpful to keep this in mind as we move forward with sermons and actions to honor mothers. While we want to lavishly commemorate motherhood and absolutely should, it is helpful if we remember how this day may be a struggle for others and acknowledge their story as well.
Here are just a few articles that speak to this:
8 Ways to Honor Moms on Mother’s Day Without Dishonoring Others
Click HERE.
Balancing Celebration and Grief on Mother’s Day
Click HERE.
Don’t Ask Moms to Stand in Church This Sunday
Click HERE.
An open letter to pastors {A non-mom speaks about Mother’s Day}
Click HERE.
May our churches continue to cheer on and support our mothers while at the same time be a conduit of hope and healing.