
  • We are available, at no charge, to work with you and/or your team in developing a strategic plan for creating a culture of life within your organization. Contact us for more information.
  • Care Net’s Making Life Disciples curriculum will prepare your team to walk alongside women and men facing difficult pregnancy decisions. For more information, click HERE.
  • Embrace Grace equips your church to help women & men experiencing unexpected pregnancies find a place of belonging within the church through support groups. For more information, click HERE.
  • Reproductive Loss Network is committed to bringing a Biblical response to a grieving world through educating, equipping, and encouraging the helpers who support those touched by reproductive loss. For more information, click HERE.
  • Book: Why Can’t We Say the “A” Word in Church by Joni Williams Shepherd. Click HERE.
  • Book: Is There Not A Cause by Sheila Harper. Click HERE.
  • Book: Stand for Life by John Ensor and Scott Klusendorf. Click HERE.

Pregnancy Resource Centers

  • Pregnancy Resource Centers outnumber abortion clinics almost three to one. They are usually faith-based and are powerful organizations on the front-lines journeying through life with their clients. Partnership between the local church and pregnancy resource centers are invaluable.
  • To find a pregnancy resource center near you, click HERE.
  • If there is not a pregnancy resource center near you and you are interested in starting one in your community, contact us for more information.

Informative Messages and Blogposts

  • Praying and Working for Justice: Abortion by David Platt. Click HERE.
  • Abortion and Abundant Life by Roland Warren and David Platt. Click HERE.
  • Life Difference Makers by Tim Hawk. Click HERE.
  • Facts on Abortion. Click HERE.
  • Blogpost for Pastors. Click HERE.

Post-Abortion Healing

  • Every church needs to offer post-abortion healing, whether it’s internal or a trusted referral to a local pregnancy resource center offering this service. To find a pregnancy resource center near you, click HERE.
  • Post-abortion healing curriculum: Surrendering the Secret. For their training and for more information, click HERE.
  • Post-abortion healing curriculum: Save One: A Guide to Emotional Healing After Abortion. For their training and information, click HERE.
  • Abortion Recovery and Care (ARC) connects women and men impacted by abortion with individual ministries, pregnancy centers, and churches that provide healing resources. For more information, click HERE.

Miscarriage Support

  • Anchored: A Bible Study for Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss by Erin Cushman. Anchored invites you to grieve in an honest and faith-filled way. With personal stories, seasoned insight, and gentle questions, you are invited to lay your deepest hurt at the foot of the cross and allow God to anchor your brokenness. To purchase, click HERE.
  •  Grace Like Scarlett by Adriel Booker:  Adriel tackles complex questions about faith, suffering, and God’s will with sensitivity and clarity, devoid of religious clichés or pat answers. Ultimately, Adriel invites you to a wide-open place of grace, honesty, and genuine hope as you discover a redemption story unfolding in the shadows of your loss. She also includes practical resources to help guide children through grief, advice on pregnancy after loss, and special sections for dads and loved ones. To purchase, click HERE.

Crisis Intervention

  • Abortion Pill Reversal: If a woman has taken the first dose of The Abortion Pill regimen and regrets her decision, there is a chance her baby can be saved. You can have her immediately reach out to or call 877-558-0333. She will speak with a medical professional who will guide her through the process of possibly reversing the drug’s affect. Time is of the essence.
  • If someone you know is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and needs assistance and a local pregnancy center isn’t available, they can receive confidential support and guidance through Option Line. You can reach them at or by calling 1-800-712-4357.