Some people say the church isn’t the place to speak about abortion – that it’s a political issue and that we should just focus on the Bible. Yet, isn’t the value of all life, the Imago Dei, a Biblical issue? Don’t we find in the very first chapter of the Bible that God intentionally made humanity in His image and called them to be fruitful and multiply?
If we don’t speak about abortion in church, then where will people learn about it, and from which worldview will they gain information? If churches don’t address it, the culture will. Mark Campbell states, “Most pastors abandon their congregations on this issue, leaving the narrative to be written by the world.”
There is no better place than the pulpit to offer Biblical answers to difficult questions. It’s the perfect setting for offering grace, hope and support.
Proverbs 31:8 encourages us to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” Michael Spencer points out that churches who “abdicate their responsibility to ‘speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves’ unwittingly usher their churches into an unstated but abhorrent partnership with the abortion industry, paving the way for the destruction of children from their own congregations.”
The church is beautifully positioned, spiritually equipped, and filled with unconditional love in order to be the bridge for those struggling with unplanned pregnancies. We are designed to journey through life with those in difficult circumstances by offering words and actions of support, life, and hope. We have seen the perfect model for not condemning the world but saving the world through the message of Jesus Christ. Thank you for being that voice!