Ministry Ideas

“Thankful for You” Gift

As the Thanksgiving season approaches, many single parents find it to be a challenging and overwhelming time. So, how can we lighten their load and bring joy to this festive period?

One initiative your ministry could consider is distributing “Thankful for You” gift baskets. These are simple baskets filled with enjoyable items. The aim is to let families know that you’re thinking about them, value them, and are grateful they’re part of your church family. As a ministry team, pray and identify the families that would benefit from this extra dose of love.

Here are some suggested items to include in your “Thankful for You” basket:

  • Family game
  • Fun snack items
  • Gift cards to restaurants
  • Warm fuzzy socks or cozy blanket
  • Hot chocolate
  • Homemade cookies
  • Holiday candle
  • Charcuterie board items
  • Puzzle
  • Holiday decor
  • Small toy for the children
  • Pampering items for mom

There is so much power in encouragement and thoughtfulness. A simple basket may just be the thing that reminds a single mom that God sees her and that her church family loves her and her children. May our generosity reflect the generous love of our Father!


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