There are several types of abortions that are legal in our country. We can get caught up in the horror of late term abortions and look past the gravity of first trimester abortions. As we align our beliefs with the Bible and observe science’s concurrence, we realize that a preborn baby is just as valuable on day one, as they are at birth and beyond. All life is worthy of protection.
Statistics reveal 92.7% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation (1). This is where our focus should be. Many believe abortion is okay in the early stages as they think it’s not really a human life until later. This is far from the truth. On day one, the human embryo has the complete genetic blueprint that determines the child’s sex, hair and eye color, height, skin tone and more. As we educate those around us that life has value at every single stage, we are creating a culture for life.
In recent years there has been a rise in the USA of medical abortions for the 1st trimester, also known as chemical abortions. In fact, approximately 54% of all abortions in USA are performed with what is known as the Abortion Pill or RU486. (2)
So, how does the abortion pill work?
Ultimately, a medical abortion occurs after taking two pills. Each pill contains a different medicine.
- (Mifeprex) blocks progesterone, a hormone, essential for a healthy pregnancy. Given as the first abortion pill, this drug cuts off blood supply and nutrients to the developing embryo.
- Taken as the second pill, this pill causes the uterus to expel the embryo. In short, misoprostol induces early labor.
Together, these medicines work to stop the growth of pregnancy before inducing labor. (3)
We need to understand the realities of the medical abortion as well as the possible life-saving option of the abortion pill reversal. If a woman who after taking the first pill has doubts and regrets and wants to stop the abortion process, there is a possibility the baby can be saved. A network called Abortion Pill Reversal exists to guide the woman to medical care wherein they can receive progesterone to potentially reverse the process. You can reach them at https://abortionpillreversal.com/ or by calling 1-877-558-0333
To learn more, watch this video.
The Abortion Pill is messaged as a quick and easy way to stop your pregnancy. If someone hears they can just take a couple of pills instead of having the surgical abortion, they think it will be the easier way. However when a woman loses her baby by a medical abortion, there is great concern for the emotional aftereffects due to the fact that she is aborting her baby in her own home with no medical supervision. She is the one that will dispose of the baby and have to deal with the memories for the rest of her life. Women and their babies deserve better than this.
The church is positioned to promote a culture of life for those experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and to be the messenger of healing for those who have experienced abortion.
(1) https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/abortion.htm
(3) https://www.focusonthefamily.com/pro-life/abortion/the-abortion-pill-how-does-it-work/