I really think that abortion is at the root – you could do a flowchart – I think abortion is at the root of so much that has and is going wrong in this country.
Rush Limbaugh
Just one look at the news, reveals the heart of our country. Families are broken, marriages are falling apart, children are turning away from parents, violence and evil seem to be prevailing, lies are called truth, and the list could go on. One might argue that our world has always been this way and it’s just packaged differently. There is truth in that. However, the overwhelming evil that has been unleashed over our country seems even more blatantly aggressive.
With all that is going on, do you believe Rush Limbaugh’s statement to be true? Is abortion really at the root of so much that is going on?
And what is the root of abortion? Why and how has it woven its way into our culture, and more importantly, our churches?
The root of abortion stems from the first chapter in the Bible – Genesis 1:27-28. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.'”
God’s Plan
- We are created as image-bearers of God with intrinsic value.
- We are told to continue to produce image-bearers of God. This is His blessing to us.
Satan’s Plan
- Satan hates God and therefore hates us.
- Satan’s goal is to destroy mankind on earth and for eternity.
Satan loves abortion. It is his sacrament. The destruction of human life and the debilitation of men and women fulfills his part of John 10:10 – “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.”
When a country supports abortion, they are supporting the goal of our enemy – death and destruction. In doing so, evil is unleashed into every sector of society – the family, the church, business, education, entertainment and more.
When society decides certain individuals only have value if they are wanted, if the circumstances are right, or if ___________ (fill in the blank), all of humanity’s value is up for grabs. When a society no longer values life, especially the most innocent, it falls to destruction.
Even many Christians have bought the lie that abortion is okay in some situations. Yet, with the lie comes the death of the innocent, and destruction to those who bought the lie. Satan feeds individuals his message of hopelessness, desperation, fear and more. He brings pressure to the woman to believe his message using the voices of those who are in her inner circle. And once she moves forward with Satan’s “answer to her problem,” he floods her with guilt and shame. And the enemy rejoices.
In Brian Fisher’s book, Deliver Us From Abortion, he notes: “There are women who feel so much pressure to abort that they reject their faith unless they encounter a friend, a support network, or a healthcare professional who will support them.” (*pg. 39)
This is why the Church and Christ’s message of abundant life is imperative. This is why the Church is called to exude compassion, support and love. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can journey through the crisis moment with individuals, and guide them into the truth that will set them free.
However Fisher pointedly observed that, “when a church is passively silent about abortion, they are actively affirming what the media has proclaimed and what the culture believes: the unborn child is less valuable than the rest of us.” (*pg 54)
Silence on the part of the Church enhances the enemy’s message of hopelessness. On the contrary, messaging the heart of God on life issues, ushers in abundant life for both the baby and the family. He replaces Satan’s message of fear with that of power, love and a sound mind; and He offers His healing and wholeness to those who bought Satan’s lie.
So do I agree with Rush Limbaugh’s observation? Well to a point. In reality, abortion is just a tool the enemy uses to steal, kill and destroy humanity. The root of the problem truly lies in humanity not living out their true identity in Christ – that of Image-Bearers of the Almighty God. When we understand our identity, we make decisions that bring value to ourselves and to those around us. I surmise that the real root of why our country is where it is today, is really an identity problem.