Many churches are hesitant to address the topic of abortion out of concern for hurting people. They may personally know individuals in their congregation who have experienced abortion, and they worry that discussing the topic will cause them grief.
The fear is that bringing up abortion may trigger painful memories or feelings of guilt and shame. As a result, those struggling from a past abortion and those wondering what to do with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy receive little help and guidance from their church.
As a result, people in our churches experiencing an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy only hear the message the world offers them. They hear they can’t have this baby, they shouldn’t have this baby, that abortion is a quick procedure and they can get on with their life, this is their choice, they’re all alone, their future is at stake, and more.
What they don’t hear is the Biblical message that every life is created by God with a purpose and a beautiful plan. They don’t hear that God will provide them with strength. They don’t hear that God will bring good things out of their struggles and that their future is full of hope. They don’t hear that their church family is there to love, care for, and resource them.
When the church remains silent on the issue of abortion, the only message these individuals hear is the destructive pronouncements of the enemy.
Moreover, when the church doesn’t address abortion, those who have experienced it may believe that they have committed an unforgivable sin. They may feel condemned to a life of hopelessness and regret. They might even question, “Surely, if God forgives and heals those who have experienced abortion, the church would address this, wouldn’t they?”
Our silence doesn’t help them; it only hurts them.
The way we communicate, both in our content and delivery, is crucial. Do we communicate in a grace-filled manner that leads individuals to the life-changing power of the cross, or do our words condemn?
Individuals facing an unwanted pregnancy, perhaps due to an unbiblical relationship, often believe that the church will condemn them. A significant number of men and women in our churches who have undergone abortions already feel disqualified and carry painful memories.
In John 8:32, Jesus declared, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” God’s truth brings freedom, and the church serves as a conduit for this truth. If the church fails to speak God’s truth, individuals are left to believe that the world’s messages about life, hope, and healing are true, and this always has devastating effects.