Post-Abortion Healing

Walking in Freedom

For those who have experienced abortion, they often suffer silently. Many believe the lies of the enemy that they have committed an unforgivable sin. Satan’s goal is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), and he does this in the lives of those who have experienced abortion – to them and their preborn child.

Yet, Jesus counteracts the enemy’s agenda and promises he has come to offer life and life abundantly (John 10:10). He redeems, restores and heals and wants all to come to Him and receive healing and wholeness.

For those struggling from a past abortion, this message is for you.

“My dear one, may I have a moment where my heart can speak deeply to yours? So much happens in this life journey that attempts to define who you are. You carry insecurity, doubt, shame, guilt, sorrow, confusion, frustration, hopelessness and more. God never intended you to live that way. He had, or should I say has, so much more for you. Don’t listen to the lies that have been spoken over you. Don’t listen to the reminders of your regretful decisions. And, don’t let your past pain define you.

As you walk from repentance to salvation, you’ve been ushered into redemption and wholeness. From the beginning of time, your loving Creator sculpted your very being into existence. There was no mistake. You are no accident. You were uniquely destined to live your life as an honored image-bearer of the Almighty God. You were destined to shine, so when people see your life, they will be introduced to the glory of God. Your identity does not come from what you have or have not done. Your identity does not come from what you feel. Your true identity can only come from your Creator.

How your Heavenly Father longs to pull you into His loving arms, wipe away every tear, every hurt, every feeling of shame and guilt, and restore you to His righteousness. He patiently waits for you to seek Him and allow Him to reshape you into the individual you were created to be. Don’t fear Him, don’t run from Him, for He is so very good. He delights in you and longs to see you walk into the beautiful purposes He has for you. As your Creator, He knows you better than you know yourself. He knows what you need and what your heart truly longs for. Trust Him. Open your heart completely to Him and watch as he gently reminds you of your true identity.” Excerpt from All Things New: Finding New Life Through Forgiveness. Read more HERE.

Many have found freedom, restoration and wholeness following their abortion through one-on-one time with the Lord and His Word. Many have also journeyed through healing by going through an after-abortion Bible study.

Every church can be a conduit of hope and healing by speaking messages of grace and forgiveness. Freedom also comes when a church offers an after-abortion healing Bible study either directly or through a trust referral organization. You can find some suggested resources to start your own study in our Resource Guide HERE or contact your local pregnancy center HERE to see if they offer one.

The Lord wants people set free, and the church has a beautiful opportunity to be God’s conduit of hope and healing.


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