People often make decisions based on their emotions. In fact, emotions have the ability to create a false narrative of reality and move us to make decisions contrary to logical thought.
When a woman or man is considering making a decision for abortion, it is usually made based on their emotions. Fear often drives individuals to make decisions they would never have considered before and most often, would have found themselves adamantly opposed to. When we let fear drive decisions, we then attempt to find logical reasons to support our fear.
Numerous reasons can be heard when one is contemplating why “they could never have this baby.” Their reasons generally stem from the emotion of fear. Reasons could be:
- Lack of Finances
- Bad Timing
- Unhealthy Relationships
- Needs of Others
Whenever we talk with someone contemplating abortion it is important to encourage them to really take some time and not rush into anything. More times than not, we have seen how their emotions change and their fears dissipate. As time moves forward, what once seemed overwhelming now seems tangible, and even welcomed.
There is so much power in taking time to listen to their story, their fears and concerns. As the Church, we are strategically placed to help eliminate some of their fears by providing resources, emotional support and spiritual direction. When someone feels like they are in an overwhelming situation and all alone, they make decisions in desperation. Many times, women would make a life-affirming decision if they just had someone to journey through this season with them. And… that is what the Church can do so well.
It seems recently, a new reason of fear has been added to the list. Women, finding themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, are now starting to say they need to have an abortion because it’s irresponsible to bring a baby into this world. They are hearing from the culture that due to perceived climate change, political unrest, the threat of wars around us and the instability of the world that it would be the responsible and loving thing to choose abortion.
They are listening to an unbiblical worldview. Instead, God says that all life has value and that He holds the world in His hands. He alone is the determiner of the days of the Earth.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
How different our outcomes would be if we held fast to this verse. Fear is not of God. Instead He gives us the power to choose His will. He gives us love and the ability to make loving decisions. And, He gives us a sound mind where we can make logical, truthful decisions that are align to His Word.
As we are speaking with someone who thinks abortion is their only option, it’s important that we help them slow down and not make a decision based upon fear and “what-ifs”. Rather, we can direct them to the Source that will remove their fear and give them power, love and a sound mind.